Kanji List

This is the list of 78 Kanji characters you need to learn for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test level N5. Click on each character for more details. 聞 (bun): hear, ask, listen. 長 (chou): long, leader, superior, senior. 中 (chuu): in, inside, middle, center. The kyōiku kanji list is a subset of a larger list, originally of 1,945 kanji characters and extended to 2,136 in 2010, are known as the jōyō kanji—characters required for the level of fluency necessary to read newspapers and literature in Japanese. In 1981 the Japanese government established a standardized list containing 1945 basic Japanese kanji characters. This list was titled the Jōyō Kanji-hyō (the list of commonly-used kanji). The Jōyō Kanji-hyō has been used to standardize Japanese printed texts including newspapers, magazines and educational materials. Lesson 3: Lesson 8: Lesson 4: Lesson 9: Lesson 5: Lesson 10: Lesson 6: Lesson 11: Lesson 7: Lesson 12: Volume II Kanji. Lesson 13: Lesson 19: Lesson 14: Lesson 20: Lesson 15: Lesson 21: Lesson 16: Lesson 22: Lesson 17: Lesson 23: Lesson 18: PDF Kanji Flashcards. For printing out on Avery 5371 Business Cards. These are meant to. JLPT N5 Kanji List This is the complete JLPT N5 kanji list. There are about 80 kanji in total that you will need to know in order to pass the JLPT N5, and we have them all listed here with each one linking to a customized lesson. The kanji are listed in order of most frequently used, with the most common characters listed first.

  1. Kanji List Flashcards
  2. Kanji List
  3. Kanji Listening

Produced in 2015 by the following four scholars:

Katsuo Tamaoka - Nagoya University, Japan
Shogo Makioka - Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Sander Sanders - Kumulus Centre, Netherlands
Rinus G. Verdonschot - Waseda University, Japan


In 1981 the Japanese government established a standardized list containing 1945 basic Japanese kanji characters. This list was titled the JōyōKanji-hyō (the list of commonly-used kanji). The JōyōKanji-hyō has been used to standardize Japanese printed texts including newspapers, magazines and educational materials. Two decades later, Tamaoka, Kirsner, Yanase, Miyaoka and Kawakami (2002) produced the first web-accessible database containing these 1945 standardized kanji. In 2004, using the Japanese lexical database of Amano and Kondo (1999, 2000), Tamaoka and Makioka calculated additional information (e.g. word frequencies based on the Asahi Newspaper from 1985 to 1998). As such they produced the fourth edition of the web-accessible kanji database which now included several mathematical indexes such as: entropy, redundancy and symmetry. However, recently (2010) the official Jōyō kanji list has been revised by the Japanese government. It now includes a total of 2136 Japanese kanji which are to serve as a basis for official communication in Japanese. Please refer to the details of the new Jōyō kanji available in Japanese at the Web-site of the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs: https://www.bunka.go.jp/kokugo_nihongo/sisaku/joho/joho/kijun/naikaku/kanji/joyokanjisakuin/index.html.

Present Database

Kanji lists play an important role in Japanese psycholinguistic research (e.g. Verdonschot et al., 2013). In order to make the detailed properties of the new kanji in the list available to researchers in psychology and linguistics, we have developed a novel web-accessible kanji database including an advanced corpus (i.e. Mainichi Newspaper from 2000 to 2010). The new kanji database also includes a wide range of important properties such as: kanji frequency, On- and Kun-reading frequencies, On-reading ratio, kanji productivity of two-kanji compounds, symmetry of kanji productivity, entropy, number of meanings, etc. This easy-to-use web site (https://www.kanjidatabase.com/) has especially been developed to grant effortless access to the database and allows for:

Kanji List
  1. Easy selection of kanji from the database following criteria which can be defined by the user, as well as
  2. Pasting of kanji (or even complete texts) and looking up specified properties from the pasted kanji in the database.
  3. Selection of jukugo (2 kanji combined) in different ways
  4. Selection of kanji and/or jukugo by means of SQL commands
  5. Export results as CSV or XML files
Kanji listening


To create the current 2136 Jōyō kanji database, we used 11 years of the all-Japanese version of the Mainichi Newspaper from 2000 to 2010. The morphological parsing program MeCab0.991 counted 477,264 morphological units (type frequency) and a total token frequency of 299,695,840 out of this newspaper corpus. Excluding proper nouns from this database, the count was 368,841 for type frequency and 282,816,611 for token frequency. There are four kanji symbols which are not included in Shift Japanese Industrial Standards (Shift-JIS) (i.e.,「𠮟」「塡」「剝」「頰」) which were transformed to the same kanji symbols included in Shift-JIS (i.e.,「叱」「填」「剥」「頬」). Using the total frequency of 282,816,611 morpheme units, the present kanji database calculated the frequency of each of the 2136 commonly-used Jōyō kanji.


Please quote the usage of this database/website as: Tamaoka, K., Makioka, S., Sanders, S. & Verdonschot, R.G. (2017). www.kanjidatabase.com: A new interactive online database for psychological and linguistic research on Japanese kanji and their compound words. Psychological Research. 81, 696-708.


If you have any questions regarding the novel 2136 Jōyō Japanese kanji database, please contact: Katsuo Tamaoka (Nagoya University, Japan) at ktamaoka (at) lang.nagoya-u.ac.jp or Rinus G. Verdonschot (Waseda University, Japan) at rinusverdonschot (at) gmail.com.


  • Amano S. & Kondo T. (1999, 2000).
    Nihongo no goi tokusei [Lexical characteristics of Japanese words]
    . Tokyo: Sanseido.
  • Tamaoka, K., Kirsner, K., Yanase, Y., Miyaoka, Y., & Kawakami, M. (2002).
    A Web-accessible database of characteristics of the 1,945 basic Japanese kanji. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 34, 260-275.
  • Tamaoka, K., & Makioka, S. (2004).
    New figures for a Web-accessible database of the 1,945 basic Japanese kanji, fourth edition. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 36, 548-558.
  • Verdonschot, R.G., La Heij, W., Tamaoka, K., Kiyama, S., You, W-P., & Schiller, N.O. (2013).
    The multiple pronunciations of Japanese kanji: a masked priming investigation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 2023-2038.
  • Tamaoka, K., Makioka, S., Sanders, S. & Verdonschot, R.G. (2017).
    www.kanjidatabase.com: a new interactive online database for psychological and linguistic research on Japanese kanji and their compound words. Psychological Research, 81, 696-708.

Version: Mei 18, 2021 15:55 scripts © S.Sanders

Yookoso Vol. 1: An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese (JPN 601D/610D)

Kanji Compound Flashcards

  • Chapter 1 Kanji (all) | Chapter 1 日〜二 | Chapter 1 三〜大
  • Chapter 2 Kanji (all) | Chapter 2 間〜右 | Chapter 2 中〜有
  • Chapter 3 Kanji (all) | Chapter 3 朝〜入 | Chapter 3 休〜会

  • Chapter 4 Kanji (all) | Chapter 4 天ー秋 | Chapter 4 冬〜空
  • Chapter 5 Kanji (all) | Chapter 5 手〜道 | Chapter 5 書〜動
  • Chapter 6 Kanji (all) | Chapter 6 思〜鳥 | Chapter 6 湯〜貝
  • Chapter 7 Kanji (all) | Chapter 7 同〜店 | Chapter 7 員〜暗

Kanji Compound list: List of Kanji compounds introduced in class

  • Kanji list: Chapter 1 - 7 (all)

Kanji stroke order: showing stroke order, meaning, and reading of Kanji -- UPDATED, 3/26/2020

  • Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7

Kanji: Trace and Practice (PDF): -- look at the 'Kanji stroke order' page above to learn the stroke order of each kanji character, meanings and readings of the kanji compunds introduced in each chapter.

  • Ch1 all | 1-1 日〜名 | 1-2 年〜二 | 1-3 三〜八 | 1-4 九〜大
  • Ch2 all | 2-1 間〜分 | 2-2 小〜右 | 2-3 中〜山 | 2-4 口〜有
  • Ch3 all | 3-1 朝〜来 | 3-2 行〜入 | 3-3 休〜毎 | 3-4 回〜会

  • Ch4 all | 4-1 天〜度 | 4-2 風〜秋 | 4-3 冬〜高 | 4-4 多〜空
  • Ch5 all | 5-1 手〜母 | 5-2 兄〜道 | 5-3 書〜楽 | 5-4 全〜動
  • Ch6 all | 6-1 思〜物 | 6-2 肉〜鳥 | 6-3 湯〜料 | 6-4 理〜貝
  • Ch7 all | 7-1 同〜買 | 7-2 着〜店 | 7-3 員〜赤 | 7-4 黄〜暗

Kanji: Trace and Practice with Kanji list (Furigana and meaning) (PDF) -- -- look at the 'Kanji stroke order' page above to learn the stroke order of each kanji character, meanings and readings of the kanji compunds introduced in each chapter.

  • Ch4 all | 4-1 天〜度 | 4-2 風〜秋 | 4-3 冬〜高 | 4-4 多〜空
  • Ch5 all | 5-1 手〜母 | 5-2 兄〜道 | 5-3 書〜楽 | 5-4 全〜動
  • Ch6 all | 6-1 思〜物 | 6-2 肉〜鳥 | 6-3 湯〜料 | 6-4 理〜貝
  • Ch7 all | 7-1 同〜買 | 7-2 着〜店 | 7-3 員〜赤 | 7-4 黄〜暗

Kanji compound Reading Quiz

  • 99 Chapter 1 日〜二 | 100 Chapter 1 三〜大
  • 101 Chapter 2 間〜右 | 102 Chapter 2 中〜有
  • 103 Chapter 3 朝〜入 | 104 Chapter 3 休〜会

  • 105 Chapter 4 天ー秋 | 106 Chapter 4 冬〜空
  • 107 Chapter 5 手〜道 | 108 Chapter 5 書〜動
  • 109 Chapter 6 思〜鳥 | 110 Chapter 6 湯〜貝
  • 111 Chapter 7 同〜店 | 112 Chapter 7 員〜暗

Kanji Compound Writing self-test (pdf)

    (1) print out and fold back the paper on the line so that you don’t see the kanji compounds. By looking at the word in hiragana, test yourself by writing them in Kanji characters by hand. You can check your answers by unfolding the paper.
    (2) You can also use it on your smartphone or tablet/computer, Hide the kanji compounds and show only the words in hiragana by moving the screen. Test yourself by writing them down in Kanji characters, then check your work by moving your screen back.
  • Chapter 1 日〜二 | Chapter 1 三〜大
  • Chapter 2 間〜右 | Chapter 2 中〜有
  • Chapter 3 朝〜入 | Chapter 3 休〜会

  • Chapter 4 天ー秋 | Chapter 4 冬〜空
  • Chapter 5 手〜道 | Chapter 5 書〜動
  • Chapter 6 思〜鳥 | Chapter 6 湯〜貝
  • Chapter 7 同〜店 | Chapter 7 員〜暗

Kanji Writing Review

  • Chapter1-7 Practice sheets (by Marty Woodlee) | Answer sheet

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Yookoso Vol. 2: (JPN 611D & 317C)

An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese : (JPN 320K & L: Advanced Reading)

An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese: (JPN 325K: Advanced Conversation)


げんき: (Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese):

Kanji List Flashcards

  • かな、漢字練習用紙 (かな、かんじれんしゅうようし:Kana and Kanji practice formatted paper)
  • Kanji List


    Kanji Listening

    Kanji List

    How to Use the Kanji Dictionaries
    Kanji Radicals created by Travis Schiller as a project for his 2009 Pre-Graduate School Internship
    Kanji a Day Mailing List - by Jeff Blum (studied Japanese at UT)